101 Dalmatians - 1996
The Live action adaptation of Some Disney Classic. When a jumble of dalmatian dogs are abducted by the minions of Cruella De Vil, the parents must find them before they are used by her to get a searchable fashion statement.
Lilly Tucker
"do you want another cup of marriage"
that got me
Marie Turner
Warren Track
it was cool bro but it could have been way better if they talked been passed
Warren Track
I kinda like wished the dogs could talk
Ron B
So so cute
Dawn NLN
glen is a very good actress I wish they had Maxie utube hands it got to watch
Gabby Martinez
I like this movie alot
Dirk Diggler
i just figured out that the 2 thieves who stole the dogs are the same 2 guys in Cruella they are Cruellas friends one has the dog Wink
Rich Duenas
how about the movie "Cruella" , did anyone watch it, if so did you enjoy it?? I sure did they did a great job on it
erick estrada
i lough at the racoons rhahaha
Ron B
I just want to hug them.
Warren Track
I liked the part where she feel in mud
Jake Segovia
bro, the dog is smarter than me
Ciara Burks
our play at school is 101 Dalmatians
Danji Kooka
[007i feel so bad for the actor that's playing cruella
Erica Oneal
was SAsa
Ron B
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