13th - 2016
An in-depth consider the prison system the way that it reveals the history of racial inequality of the nation and also at the USA.


very true, even now expanding through all races, due to economical and differing lifestyle choices and any type of counter-culture that the law enforcement doesn't understand or want in the public eye


A very bold and powerful look at racism and the systems, politicians, and victims that are affected by its scorching heat. Well researched, and dialogue and video heavy, you will be shocked to your very core. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Sedgwick McAlaster

America is 5% of the world's population but has the largest prison population in the world if those people who incarcerate or not evil they just started not being evil this morning

Aminah Shabazz

When will the country and this world ever understand that ALL Lives Matter?!! 😒


I have learned that I really don't look at people with a understanding of peace. I truly hate this country and hate that I was born here...

La'dro Dwayne

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