2000 Mules - 2022
True the Vote has been working with Dinesh D’Souza to create a bombshell movie that uses footage they obtained of ballot boxes in key states across America to steal the election in 2020. 100 Percent Fed Up reports – Using geo-tracking devices, True the Vote was able to take footage from drop boxes across America in key states like Georgia and others to track over 2,000 ‘mules” wearing gloves and disguises to stuff ballot boxes.


Speeches... To see first hand account, verifiable evidence of our Nation's highest office stolen and usurped. My first reaction was "I knew I was right" but immediately following the vindication comes the suffocating feeling of just witnessing our Nation stolen from us.

Kevin Pierce

i will never believe that this election was not stolen. anyone thinking rationally and without bias would have to agree. people will and have gone to great lengths to have power and control. there has been no exception to this rule. history is littered with it.

Ezequiel Carrillo

this is a b.s. turdunkey. but if it make u happy there is not worst blind that the one who does not want to see

Carl dutcher



anyone who believes that trump was a great president needs help

Bill Rife

Thank you riotous for not taking sides and allowing the true documentary to be seen


I never voted and never will. never trust a government they are mostly crooked. the few that are honorable are so out numbered they are forced to play ball.


when we went to sleep Trump was way ahead somehow overnight when everyone was asleep Joe Biden got all these votes

Joseph Bochichio

what will prevent the Democrats from voter fraud in the midterms of 2022 ?


I'm terrified for 2024 and all future election.the dems are truly evil.

Kenneth Monroe

no doubt the 2020 election was stolen. FJB, let's go Brandon.

shelley Dalton

my boyfriend and I both got 2 ballots a piece in the mail