2025 - The World enslaved by a Virus - 2021
It is the year 2025: Since the outbreak of the Corona virus in 2020, the world has not been the same: A communist system with a single world government has been established, English has been chosen as the world language, contacts have been reduced to a minimum. Christianity has been banned completely; the constitution how we knew it no longer exists. In Germany, a small group of young Christians start an underground revolution to reunite Christians and regain freedom.


Interesting how they're talking about God, but wearing a mask from "a strong delusion" mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:11 (KJV).

amy siders

Yeah we got some end of day's shit going on it is crazy all that is going on right now. Going to watch and see what I think of this movie


i had to watch this on the strength of the title.

Adam Cox

it's what happiness now The rapture is very close