21 Jump Street - 2012
In senior high school, Schmidt was a dork and Jenko had been the most jock. After graduation, both ended up as partners riding bicycles and of those joined the police force. Since they appear like high school students and will be young, they're delegated to an unit to infiltrate a drug ring that's supplying senior high school students synthetic drugs.
Corissa Belling
not the same last names of the 21 jump Street show😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Jose Miguel
"Hey you wanna be friends?" If it was that easy 🙁
ralph roodney
those Guy are funny
Craig Dias
tripping balls on shrooms and mdma makes this movie funny af
Ernest Morua
damn did brie Larson [0looks totally different from Mrs Marvel
I forgot that Dave Franco was in this Movie. He's Gr8
Kelo Palaita
that 91 5.0 musta been dragged from the set of menace to society
Savannah Reneau
damn johnny dapp is in that's crazy 😧 I love him
Jack Boss
best movie ever 🥰😘🥰😍🥰🤩
Kanye favorite movie
Jacob Giesbrecht
I love Disneyland was wild
Fermin Puell
yeeah one of the best films around
Fermin Puell
the blast was auesome 😎
Sillah Dejong##
funny guys
Sillah Dejong##
funny guys
Fermin Puell
cool movie
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