28 Weeks Later - 2007
The inhabitants of the British Islands have lost their struggle while every citizen has been killed by the deadly anger virus there. A group of Americans dare to set foot on the isles, convinced the threat has come and gone. But it becomes all too clear that the scourge continues to call home, waiting to pounce on its next victims.

Dean Raney

I like how the movie never explains how the mom got out of that room alive when the dad ran off on her. because it couldn't. coward or not no reason for him to die with them. he made the right choice. he was unarmed and there were too many to fight.

Anthony Dane

Come on he tried to Grab her ...Her dumbass told him let me go ....and she went for the boy

Williiam James

one of my best zombies film


they are not zombies they are infected by a virus called rage. they don't have to be shot in the head to kill them, they can be shot in the chest to kill them. an zombies don't die from starvation.


Can't wait until the new one. 28 Months Later. Just not sure when it's supposed to release.

Ernest Morua

pretty dumb of the wife he tried helping her but no she wanted to go for the kid then she gets surrounded by a bunch of zombies then she yells out for help, ya ok good luck with u and that kid I'm outty 5000 lol[0


this is just as awesome as the first one, I love this movie so violent and gore!

Estera Podolak

very poor ,stupid ending ,this movie make no sense

Caitlin Trinidad

they were so fuckin loud in the subway or whatever it was, at the end. that shit was annoying

Richard Duenas

damn that would suck to leave they were living in the beginning of the movie

Cj hilton

I can't believe he left his wife 😢

Charley Baugh

love 28 days later and 28 weeks later both great movies

Scot “scotty” Charron

what I don't understand is why is Dad so smart

Mordechai Judah

running to the boat mwz tier 3

Scot “scotty” Charron

thought just the mother and the brother

Scot “scotty” Charron

someone walks in front of camera lmfao

Scot “scotty” Charron

1:25.00 OMFG

jiair salez

28 months later lol

Robert Allaire

I love this movie