A Cowgirl's Story - 2017
Dusty Rhodes is fresh in Jefferson High, also she shines like a.. . well, a cowgirl. Dusty is just actually a cowgirl out of Texas. Her parents have been in the U.S. Army: her mum a helicopter pilot and her daddy a Special Forces Army Ranger. Finally she makes friends with a group that includes, although Dusty can be an outcast. Though Savanah is kind of Dusty and Goth is cowgirl they have a special connection and so they bond. Dusty gets the school to agree to an Equestrian Drill Team and that she enlists her new city-slicker friends to join with the team. With the anxieties that can come with her mommy fighting in Afghanistan, Dusty deals as also the team clinic and Dusty.

Danika Lavery

I love it