A Tale of Two Coreys - 2018
The story of teen heart throbs Corey Feldman and Corey Haim, whose lives had been affected by the glitz, glamour, and the darker side of showbusiness.

Lorenza Mendoza Davison

I don't like that Corey F. made himself look better then Corey H. ugh he made Corey H look so bad why didn't he make this movie when corie was still alive so he could've commented his side


Haim always was the 1 out of the 2 so naturally it cane out how it did but their chemistry was everything I think they truly loved each other even!

Lorenza Mendoza Davison

ugh effin Feldman you shouldn't just let cori remained on Toronto you went and brought him back to disgusting L.A. dam it Feldman

Lorenza Mendoza Davison

miss you Corey Haim R. I. P. SWEET PRINCE

Scot “scotty” Charron

he's doin all this children molesting crap to make $%$$

Lorenza Mendoza Davison

Corey Haim was better in license to drive

Lorenza Mendoza Davison