Abigail - 2019
A girl Abigail resides in a city whose borders were closed many years ago as a result of an epidemic of a disorder that is mysterious. Abby's dad was one of those ailing - when she was five years of age and he had been removed. Going from the government to locate his dad, Abby learns that her city is obviously high in magic. And she finds in herself abilities that are charming that are exceptional.
Kat Cofrin
this doesn't sound at all like the Abigail movie I was waiting forš¤
John Doner
this movie is awesome, I loved the movie, I really wasn't expecting a great movie but I am glad I watch it, it was captivating and the girl Abby is so cute and so beautiful and love her personality and voice, it was cool that she was put into this character and being nice that
Kasandra Justiniano
it was alright really slow they could of had better lines and did way more to pull the story together and better actor for the main girl, she was just to nice and sweet for the movie all together but cool story tho
John Doner
shows that even when you out to save the people you love, you don't need to be mean as long as you have the confidence that you have the right idea to do the right thing, what I don't understand is that this is made in another language and thought they were dubbed but they do Eng
Ed Hand
thought the Abigail 2024 vamp would have been out by now. maybe tomorrow! you guys do good work. thanks for what you guys do for us who pay for it. for those who dont!... quit your chirping about the quality and all. be patient or get bent. make your choice pheasant [00
Wait I thought this was the movie when they kidnapped a vampire? what the hell did I just watch
Julian Kazmier
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Max Maximus
bet these people have no idea why everyone is searching for this shity movie seemingly out of the blue.
Lissa C
GREAT MOVIE! This is the original "Abigail " 2019 Russian movie. IF you are looking for the cheesy vampire flick that copied its name add "2024" to your search. This movie takes you to a world that you've never seen before and it's refreshing!
Ann Willard
this isn't the "Abigail" we have all been waiting for!!!
Gerald Horn
they fasho fooled us! But for some reason once I was into it I couldn't stop watching so
Jason Webb
Don't believe that North star crap. It is a little hard for me to explain it, but think about the latitude. The further North you are, when you live East, you will be North of where you want to be. That's if you are higher or lower from your starting latitude. That's the easiest.
Antonette Watson
I knew I wasn't tripping I've seen this movie before this is not the movie I was looking for still good but not the one I wanted to watch
Ty Bug
so we just going to ignore the girl Taking the arrow hit for him outta love and not even 10 mins later he kissing another girl
Park Jimin96
This isn't the Abigail I was waiting to see, the story wasn't even about her or about her being a vampire. WE WERE ROBBED
Stephen Clemons II
This Abigail movie here was made in 2019 lol they off the chain with the games.
not the movie I was expecting but I watched it anyway and it was just as good
John Doner
well and was thinking that the lips matches the voice, this is so cool for a movie
totally watched like 30 minutes before realizing this wasn't the blood sucking horror movie I thought it was. done...
reaper goreman
this movie was magical it gives meaning we all magic beings we are gifted but we lost are power a long time ago you need to discover who we are find the spark within and awake are power within and nothing can harm us anymore
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