Ace Ventura: Pet Detective - 1994
He's Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Jim Carrey is on the case to find the Miami Dolphins' missing mascot and quarterback Dan Marino. He goes eyeball to eyeball with a man eating shark, stakes out the Miami Dolphins and woos and wows the ladies. Whether he's undercover, under fire or underwater, he always gets his man... or beast!

ahsan haq

what an artist, the great Jim Carrey... the greatest comedian of our time

Lester Trending Jones

one of my favorite movies

Christopher Spearline

So many mistakes especially in the Super Bowl. Miami didn't play San Francisco in SB 17 they played Washington. Marino wasn't on the Dolphins in SB 17 neither. The AFC Championship ring from 1984 contained five circular diamonds and also wasn't from SB 17 but 19

Michael Moell

got to admit got to admit that Jim Carrey was really good in the Ace ventures movies

Harris Berman

this was a funny ass movie stupid but funny

Shawn Humphreys

This one is the only one of the Venturas that I like. I didn't like any of the other ones.

Majic Man

why is the subtitles not in English

Alicia Marie

I absolutely love Jom Carrey he's an amazing actor every movie he's a genius


anybody's else's subtitles a different language? I have my S.T set to English but this is the only movie that is in a forgein language


one of my all time favorite movie

Brennin Gillespie

I really like Jim Carrey in this movie he is funny


Funny movie always like it


, your "gun" is digging into my hip . LOL that's some funny shit right there

Zahir Broadnax

26years later and still one of the best movies around.


lol Jim Carrey was a fu, love the way he gave Ace that funky little walk

Marianne Varga

goodle movie is excellent

Zahir Broadnax

my bad 30years later was 12 going on 13 when this movie dropped

erick estrada

hes funny like a Glob

Terry Hurst

hilarious movie I love it

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