Acrimony - 2018
A wife takes actions when it becomes evident to her that her husband has murdered her.

Marie Carter

I love that movie. that's real life story. but you never supposed to give up on your man. you never know what will happen. and keep family out of your business period..

Audrey Troup

she should have never listened to her sister's he gave her way more than she spent on him 10million her house back but I do understand her hurt

Kaseem Bryant

how u get mad ova something you did you asked for a divorce..that man gave you 10 million dollars and your mom's house back. if this ain't some selfish shit I don't know what is. but I will say the lady left that wallet on purpose

Lola Lewis

Never tell family your business because even if you forgive and forget, trust me when I say they won't. She should have stayed and believed him when he said he wasn't cheating.

Philip Pritchett

you reap what you sow you when you get married you make that commitment to God not man you break that commitment you broke in the Covenant with God and you going to have to pay for it eventuallyit's called bad Karma or you reep what you sow so be good to each

Sherrod Thompson

You can tell her the comments are from women, Family members can be your biggest challenge and enemies I promise I know. He gave her more then expected then some. Moral of the story believe in your significant other even when it looks impossible because he's a man not PERFECT..

Jah rule

My thing is never give up on someone we all go through trials and tribulations in life but now u are mad smh listening to other people in your relationship get u in that situation yes he cheated but we all make mistakes they we're teenagers I really do feel her pain tho

Cambreezy The Colorman

This movie is good and crazy Melinda she better. I wouldn't be thinking about them folks soon he gave me 10 million dollars I buy my own boat

Marie Wooden

I'm on his side he's a man with needs they was divorce for 4 months and she was with another man he's a man would need it he would special with Diana they just didn't started talking right away so her loses her game

Edmond Anderson

Great movie but That's why you have to keep people out of your relationships


Taraji P. Henson really out did herself in this movie. it was like a thin line between Love and Hate and a version of snapped. And that she did.

Misty Roberts

my life story I swear..I just wasn't that mental n I enjoy my freedom 2 much! But I can so relate.

Miguel Angel Pedraza

he for sure made her go mad! I'm on her side

Lagaria Coachman

I really can't choose who side I'm on or who is wrong or who is right but in my mind if it was a different woman she probably wouldn't been that mad


Fabulous movie. Taraji Henson is a fantastic Actress! She's one of my favorites.

Tracy Ray

that movie was good you got five stars

Tammy Hill

good movie but she should have seen red flags

Valerie Johnson

good movie love ain't supposed to hurt

Gabriela Barajas

I loved this movie great actors I was married 2 times .They say 3times is a charm the man I'm with is truly what I always wanted and I'm just going to say I'm good where we are at right now !


That's why I'm not with my wife right now. Because the same like I was married to the whole fami mean. They kept getting involved with me and my marriage so I must married everything I'm body.