Alex Cross - 2012
After Washington DC detective Alex Cross is told a member of the family has been murdered, he vows to track down the killer. He discovers that things are not and she had not been his original victim what they seem.
Jason Webb
I wasn't sure if I would like this movie or not. I'm a huge fan of Morgan Freeman and with him staring as Alex Cross in the first 2 movies, that's some hard shoes to fill. I think Tyler is a damn good actor and I think he did a great job on this movie. I give it a 7 out of 10.
Benjamin Sanchez
I hope that Tyler Perry would do more of Dr. Cross books I read almost all of them a great set of reading
Andrew Hope
A great kind of story we need to see more of in these new years
my second time watching this movie. I enjoyed it just like my first time watching it. action well acted. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽❤️💯
I don't know about anybody else but Tyler Perry was screaming at dude and madea popped out
outlaw queen
I think Tyler Perry fits the description of Alex Cross in the books, but acting wise Morgan Freeman played him better.
William Vannatta
love good detective movies . along w/ Morgan F ...
Love this character .
faIIen FN
what is Jack Shepard doing
how load ur casty?
Awesome, .movie
Great movie
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