Alex & The List - 2018
Alex, a adorable, unassuming dog trainer is inlove with a woman - Katherine - smart, talented, by a fantastic family. Katherine adores Alex's quirky sense of honesty, humor and capability to listen. Having decided to pop the question, Alex is blind sided when Katherine produces a detailed collection of well thought out"improvements" she believes will tweak Alex on the way to becoming the perfect couple. A Lex rejects the proposal that he wants to change anything. But with the danger of a fresh competitor, Alex decides to"perform the list" Directed by a coterie of friends which include: Dave, Alex's loyal childhood buddy, best female friend Lily, her husband Michael, along with their 8 year old son, Nicky, Alex's travel has him reconsider and question his beliefs, values and world.


you don't even have to watch this the whole story is told in the movie description