Alpha Dog - 2006
Johnny Truelove enjoys to watch himself as tough. He is the son of an underworld figure and also a drug dealer. When matters do not go his way, johnny also enjoys to get tough. When Jake Mazursky fails to pay up for Johnny, matters get worse for the Mazursky family, as Johnny and his'gang' kidnap Jake's 15 year old brother also holds him hostage. Problem is exactly what to do with'boy that is stolen ?'

Tammy DeBoard

This movie is so messed up. They didn't have to kill that kid. I'm glad they all got caught. But he shouldn't have died.

Bobby Levell

I like this movie because Justin Timberlake is in it in every movie that he does awesome he used to be with NSYNC and now they aren't even together anymore but it's okay because Justin Timberlake is doing his own thing


I thought this was going to be a really good movie with Bruce Willis but I was wrong I can go down to 4th Street in Reno and watch a bunch of idiots get drunk and high and all that kind of stuff I don't need to watch it on my device here

Amber Garren

I liked the movie but so sad it's a true story.

Chris Cole

What a sad true story , the poor kid thought he was going home

Jimmy Vader

the kid had multiple times to get away and go home but he thought shit was cool. Stockholm syndrome got the best of him, he killed himself trying be cool

Bobby Le Vell

Justin Timberlake is my favorite guy playing in this movie and I like when he says Pomona because that's were I am from

Shaun Ray Bell

all-star cast

David Due

based on a true story...good movie

Albert Barrera

I love the movie hell yeah Pomona

German Allison



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