Ambush - 2023
When a small outpost is ambushed, a US Army squad must take the battle below ground on a high-stakes mission in a new type of warfare the likes of which they have never seen.


Tunnel rats making too much noise. Never use a flashlight or talk. Ain't the real shit.

Douglas Adair

Reading comments notice some rate thumbs-up other's thumbs-down. After viewing this movie, my up Sad story . War is horrific. Those of you that don't have an idea of the ferocity of warfare, your excused and very blessed to have been spared the taste of blood.

Clinton “Dutch” Renskers

upon seeing the GB beret with them string tags hanging out, I then knew this movie was gonna make me a little upset with how shitty the military movie consultant is for not at least squaring that fucker away before camera. that sniper sure moved quick as fuck to cut wire too...

Errol Latty

wrong on so many levels its pathetic, me being a VET with the Gulf War. probably makes my uncle's in the Vietnam war feel like WTF Really. I'm glad I didn't have to pay for this movie . the GEN must have really needed some money, no disrespect intended...

Kenneth King

some more that propaganda Hollywood b******* think they know everything too much noise too much not concentrating on their objective entirely too much f****** bitching

Dominic Matthews

Vietnam was a war we should've never been in same as desert storm and Somalia when we can't even control the narrative in our own country


some buddies went in the woods to make a movie, the acting is trash 🗑

Clinton “Dutch” Renskers

Who in the fucking holy fuck yells out "American" as a challenging password?? fucking faggot mother fucker!!!

Adam Barry

dumb ass movie. diga hole and bury the binder. or just leave it on the top of the sandbags . Idiots

Dominic Matthews

reading these comments before watching being a vet that has been through alot before and after war remember this is just entertainment and a chance to flip back to what you've personally experienced

Adam Barry

A little gas would have won the war over the VC. Or just play the game with grunts lives. Positions need to send their kids to wa4 to understand. Enlisted lives matter

Jeff Wildes

your right about the inaccuracies plus in the beginning they didn't have MRE s until the late 70s But still illustrates good guys bad guys and warfere

Adam Barry

It's definitely written by an a- hole milenial. Do some research next time.


Making so much noise in the tunnel would've gotten all them blown away. But this is Hollywood 's fantasy version.

Ricky Light

The worst war movie I have ever seen.

William Sposito

Fucking Is stupid All this fucking yelling

William Sposito

This stupid fucking movies fucking stupid

Clinton “Dutch” Renskers

Vietnam didn't have 30 round magazines

Carlos Ruiz

my kind of war movies

