American Gangster - 2007
Subsequent to the departure of his employer and mentorFrank Lucas establishes himself as the main importer of heroin in Manhattan's Harlem district. He's so by buying heroin directly and he pops up with a unique method of importing the drugs. Based on an actual story.

Cora Jones

dang Frank if you would have never worn that expensive hat and coat, they would have never known you was the kingpin. Frank wasn't even a suspect until the night of the fight!! Too flashy Frank!! Love it


one of his best movies! what a wonderful beautiful soul Denzel is teaching theses younger movie stars to be honest . love this man he was raised up right it's all about the moral things. something I've reached my children too and never forget where you came from.

Pete The Meat

This movie is the Goat. one of the classics

Blacc Boii

they made frank forget what power feels like he was a rider but never a walker πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ πŸ’―πŸ’ͺ🏾

Frederick Gonzalez

Hoodlum came first and then this one. So this is basically part 2 of hoodlum kinda

Harold Lang

this movie is the shit .

China Doll

my son dad favorite movie until he passed away in 9-7-23 from lung cancer stage 4 keep r.i.H baby


Love this movie....πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸΏ Denzel Washington Great Actor....! Training Day Very good πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸΏ


Frank Could have kept it going....but the love of a woman got him exposed. The up front seats at the Fight, The Big Coat, The Huge Wedding. If he went back too the simpler teachings of Bumpy probably wouldn't have been a problem.

Robert Stewart

it's just beautiful I say... Just beautifully beautiful πŸ€”

Alrahman Woods

Frank was the man but in the end he folded like the rest. Blacks is the only race that won't stick together even in organized crimes

Phil Filhiol

his name in movie makes that movie a hit

Mark Gunn

Always a woman that fucks up ur game lol! She got the outfit for him so he would've felt rude if he didn't wear it!

Shafique Islam

godfather of Harlem more interesting . it's lengthy and less suspenseful.

Rope Marciano

this movie is the goat 🐐

Denver Colorado


Jeff Suggs

my favorite gangster frank my man

Rashad Golden

This Is A All-Time Classic #Worldwide 🌎 #Globle S/o to whoever put this here fr thou w πŸ’―

Ernest Morua

idk the Wu was a thing back in the 70's u can c the Rza tattoo on his arm it's t Wu Tang clan label

John Santiago

this is one of the best of Danziel Washington.....