American Made - 2017
The narrative contraband in the 1980s for the CIA and the Medellin cartel.
I always heard about this movie but never took the time to watch it, glad I finally did. it was worth the watch and Tom Cruise did outstanding work as always. and the lesion learned, Never, Never get in bed with the U.S. government....
That just do it your self life
it's because the whites were the original gangstas and outlaws, mob Jessie james,Bonnie and Clyde, John dillinger, and a whole lot more they were glorified because it was about more than robbing the local corner store or killing someone over being on the wrong side of the streets
Thomas E. Nwosu Schaefer
Do you trust your government.??? If yes...
you must be the greatest masochistic
fagot in the world because your ass will
easily accommodate an elephant's Dick. ...
Michael Duncan
This movie is based on "Slick Willy Clinton's ". operation.....bill was a cocaine junkie....Spent time in the hospital....cause his sinus cavity was pretty much destroyed....!!!!
watch a YouTube video: "Clinton's Rise to Power"....!!!!!
Rich Duenas
my question is when is it enough money to call it quits?? i mean damn all those bags of buried cash and still wasn't satisfied smh
Cash Mayes
white criminals are super glorified
Shaun Ray Bell
the brother in-law JB was a🐀 he had to go bruh 🤣
And you think those covid vaccines are safe? Hell no.
Ian Dillon
the only person who did jail time was Rick Ross, and that was because he created crack
Dean Raney
did Tom Cruise expose himself to those children in front of the DEA??? give him the 30 years!
Alan Bryant
find the real house or the air strip. there has to be couple bags of money in the dirt.
just shut and enjoy the was great
Chad Pope
he should of went off grid
Cash Mayes
Under Republicans and Democrats
tydel brought me here!!!
Peloton on 3!!! 123........
Modesto “Gangster” Alanis
good movie, funny but good 👍
also lesson learned!
e b
Actual true story..
John Sweet
hell yhea
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