An Interview with God - 2018
An up-and-coming journalist finds his world and faith increasingly challenged when he's granted the interview of a lifetime – with someone who claims to be God.
Tamar Stone
The man in this describes me down to the T! I had everything this man had happen to him happen to me, I feel like my faith is not up to par. Like I believe in Jesus, that he loves me. But it often wonder if that's enough to save me. Pray for me, cuz this is where I'm at...
Tamar Stone
I guess I'm at a point in my life of where - as much as I hate to admit it - am unsure...and I'm not sure if I ever been this unsure, about my spiritual segway...i am sure that I'm unsure...God help me to gain clarity today or thru out my days
Tamar Stone
I dont know if I need help, a hug, or whatever...i just know I read revival. Because I claim to know my life is in Christ hands...yet I feel dead inside still at times.
Tamar Stone
if I could pick any character to describe me in the wouldnt be Paul, or and Apostle, or Job; but the thieve on the cross next to Jesus, asking Jesus to remember him...i wish I know if He did or does...or still does 😑
Jade Elliott
this movie is no joke God is real and I'm so blessed that he saved me
Dominique Dawson
this movie really make me wonder
Pearl Luckett
love channel
John Sanchez
no I meant Conversations with God
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