Angels and Demons Are Real - 2017
It appears that sightings and adventures really are every where. Perhaps that is because the planet is increasingly more complicated and people feel exhausted from keeping up whenever is moving and they're continuously distracted by tech which leaves them empty. Many people believe that Angels and Demons exist and are now active in our world today. With a world in turmoil and possessions on the upswing, it is practical to people who have experienced and observed encounters with the heavenly that Angels exist and may help us cope with your regular lives.


if you read the Bible and you believe what the Bible says this documentary even though it gets some things correct there are quite a few things that gets wrong. for example the angels that are here on Earth as our guardians are not archangels. archangels are in heaven with God.

Eric Miller

love this documentary I believe in all this stuff I've been following Christ for almost a year my life has never been better I also believe in fallen angels


I like this documentary I do have a problem with the doctors account. in the Bible Adam and Eve were made perfect it was only when they ate of the forbidden fruit that imperfection was introduced. we're not working towards perfection. sounds like buddism.