Angels in the Outfield - 1994
Roger is actually really just a foster child whose father promises when Roger baseball team, the California Angels, wins the pennant to get his act together. The problem is that the Angels have been in last place, so Roger prays for help turn around the team. Sure enough, his prayers are answered in the form of angel Al..


this movie...the runnings.. the little willy..the little rascals...the mighty ducks..field of dreams..Jurassic park..original ninja turtles ..Dante's peak..twister ..miss this era things felt good and pure not like todays evil and corrupt vibes 😔😔


the father is worthless this happened to me at that young age with my father he's nothing but a sperm donor and it really hurts I'm 38 years old and it's still sad to this day

Cody Payne (XxcodyxX)

this was one of my favorites growing up

murda the rapper

this movie was the goat growing up as a child

Jypzi Love

Did any of you Oaklandians from Oakland California recognize the Oakland Coliseum.... I recognized the trees they were in, in the beginning.

Terri Gooding

I love films like these because when life hits you with so much including losses these help you see not all is lost, as I cry.

Ada Dixon

my grandkids loved this movie growing up

Brandon Murphy

favorite movie growing up

Felix Austin

that's cheating in any sport but know one will ever know cause the crowd can't see angels helping

Alonzo Jones

classic movie

Rafael Baez

what a beautiful movie. I don't know how many times I watch that movie but always make me cry.

Ethan J. Ochoa

throw back movie

Rafael Baez

Excellent movie.

Bobby Bob

[050 me &you

Ashley Purvis

mines too