Antebellum - 2020
Successful author Veronica finds herself trapped in a horrifying reality and must uncover the mind-bending mystery before it's too late.
Scot “scotty” Charron
another ohhhh he she racism movies.....that's why I watch the old stuff this world is gone every movie now is gays,mixed gender families white dad,black mom,Asian or Spanish kids and probably one or two of em are cross dressers h[
Monique Troublefield
this movie is something to think about
if bad white people i"m not saying all white people are. bad.
but think of the one's that want us to be slaves again
. now that's scary as hell.
this movie make's you think
what if they were to steal us
Judah Ben Israel
You edomite demons will pay for all the shit you do to my ppl.
Revelation 13:10
Isaiah 14:21
Jose Garcia
I think they still have these In real life ,you have a lot of sick people out there ,they will do anything to fulfill their desires .Racism is real ,white people don't want to accept that ,
Judah Ben Israel
Every last edomite is the devil the Bible speak of. I pray God destroys them all real soon. I know it's some coons that will disagree and you are the problem.
Bekki Dorman
if u like THIS u will love Keke Palmer in "Alice".
Judah Ben Israel
I guarantee that there many places like this all across america. That's why I don't trust edomites.
Judah Ben Israel
Ecclesiasticus 12:10
Never trust thine enemy: for like as iron rusteth, so is his wickedness.
Monique Troublefield
think if a private organization steals you and take you somewhere where you don't know where you are
and put you in slavery. this is a scary movie to me but a great movie also
Damn they had some balls to think they could get away with that for as long as they did !!It was a very good movie though I give it a 7.5
It's always the women who take out the man. Always the weak ass men who can't fight to protect their woman. I give lots of credit to the women. 💯
Scot “scotty” Charron
could a saved a beaten all he wanted was her name.....duhhhhh
Scot “scotty” Charron
my opinion and statement is white is the new black has been for a long time.Ya know it & I know it
Pamela Jackson
great movie
Vero cerda Cerda
wtf I was flooded with emotions
Chris Todd
one of the dumbest movies.
Kimberly Benavidez
this was a really good movie good acting 👏
Scot “scotty” Charron
only reason I like this is the twists and mystery
wow!! good movie ske kicked. those bastards azz
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