Apollo 13: Survival - 2024
Using original footage and interviews, this documentary tells the nail-biting story of Apollo 13 and the struggle to bring its astronauts safely home.

Rich Duenas

it's fascinating how we're just a big ol' rock floating in nothing out in space blows my mind 🤯 when I really think about it

Rodney Armstrong

Think about this, If they fake people going into space. and the world sees a rocket crash, anybody who supposed to be on that rocket has to be killed. so in the 80s when the space shuttle blew up they had to kill the teacher and the astronaut's too keep their secret. what if I'm.

Rodney Armstrong

Remember the Astronaut said we confirmed there is a Santa Claus, there's no fat man in a red suit coming down anybody's chimney. the devil has all of you teaching your children that lie. you start your children off by lying to them. I can just say WOW

Rodney Armstrong

he said there's daylight 24 hours a day, the only time you see night is if you go into the dark shadows of the moon. the lunar lander was facing the dark side of the moon but it was still lit up. look at my messages below

Rodney Armstrong

look at my messages below, all they have to do is see with cameras and monoculars a rocket leaving and a capsule return. if anything happens during both, the Astronaut's have to be killed to keep NASA's secret.

Rodney Armstrong

look at my messages below, Hay NASA give me a job I promise you I will 100% Honest to the World. how much you want to bet NASA will never let me in. NASA lies more than the police does today.

Rich Duenas

astronaut are in my opinion some of the bravest men and women to ever live, to go out to what I think is the "true unknown" is just fucking nuts

Rodney Armstrong

Remember the Daughter had the Catholic Father there at her house. remember she was told by her dad Santa Claus was real he confirmed it. steal nobody is lying to you. a rocket has to fly out of sight, and a parachute has to open to be successful. so far everything is a lie.

Rodney Armstrong

Look at my messages below, ok Hollywood has new cameras and technology. now Elon Musk can build a Hotel on the moon. lol it's all fake like Santa Claus. Humans will never escape God you stupid people.

Rodney Armstrong

read my comments below and if you can prove I'm lying show me the truth. we will debate.

Dustin Rhodes

they never made it it's all fake