Aporia - 2023
Since losing her husband, Sophie has struggled to manage grief, a full-time job, and parenting her devastated daughter, but when a former physicist reveals a secret time-bending machine, Sophie will be faced with an impossible choice.


Boy if I could really have a machine like that I would go back into time when I was cancer free and see my doctors more often.

owens daniels

wow!!!! this is really a great 🍿 movie they wrote it well very interesting I love time travel movies thankyou!!!

Justin Smith

Please learn to stop giving away details of the movie for those of us whom have not watched it yet. We're only coming here to figure out if it's good or bad. that's all you have to say. thank you

Carrieann Stallcup

the ending sucked ....

Nadine M

Humans, never satisfied with what they have. No matter what.

LA King

Good watch besides the dumb ass commercials

Sherman Hargrove

the ending. what the fuck