Ash and Bone - 2022
The film follows a rebellious teen named Cassie Vanderbilt, whose wild streak escalates as her caring father Lucas decides to take her and his new wife Sarah out of the city for some bonding and quality time together. But after Cassie crosses the infamous McKinley family, it becomes clear that sometimes danger lies hidden in the weeds, ready to strike at any moment.

Kim Knox

this is the lowest lowest level of low budget

Richard Bartlett

One thing for sure their Inbreeders, piss pore acting. No direction!

Jamal Parker

okay I see time to roll up


Funny how Cassie was afraid of a cat but quick to go into a house she was warned about.

Vincent Conway

this dude going to stop her from shooting dude! I can't.

Topreka Chester

It was alright, It wasn't that scary.

Timothy Shell

I really like this movie and these characters were fucking insane!

Kevin Coffel

I'm sure in the hell not hungry anymore


ash to the trash 🗑

Kevin Coffel

he didn't even cook him long enough


it's not as bad as house shark and that was a low low budget

I'm So SaintLouis

a 6.2 who's rating these movies 2yr Olds. Man this movie blows Ash waste of time Cassie was cute tho

Carone Hawkins

white people SMH

Kevin Coffel

lol right inbred as f***

Jamal Parker

what movie is this

Michelle Kossovsky

it was OK


something needs to get them all

Kim Knox

Jose I hope you doing alright my friend

Joseph Williams

this movie is so bad it sucks

German Allison

🤣😂Kept Me Entertained While On Loud!! 💯🤓😃