At First Light - 2018
A high school senior, Alex Lainey, has an encounter with mysterious lights that appear over her town. She turns to her childhood friend Sean Terrel and develops abilities that are treacherous, supernatural. They are targeted by the police and a chase ensues as officials make an effort to discover the truth behind Alex's transformation.

Lance Hopkins

pretty good movie but I give you a thumbs down because that girl had a mother friends and a guy that truly loved her now it would have been nice if she came back to him at the end of the movie that would have made a better ending in the aliens made everybody forget what they saw.

Lance Hopkins

because in the real world we are God's creation we didn't start off some Big Bang Theory everybody has their beliefs so anyways what would happen. God would have stepped in and stopped it all cuz we are his creation aliens are aliens God's creation is God's creation

Lance Hopkins

anyways not only that the boy fell in love they fell in love with one another as it looks so she should have to return back to him and her family with no powers whatsoever but everybody that got cure stay here that's the way the movie should have been