Atomic Blonde - 2017
Regain a lost list of double representatives and an undercover MI6 representative is provided for Berlin during the Cold War to look into the murder of a fellow broker.

David Kelly

Any movie you can watch over, and over, again. With friends, or alone. Belongs in your library. This is one of them


good movie love the ending! and it was nice to end the movie with Under Pressure by Queen, a nice touch....

Raymond James

I don't believe that Hollywood has another Actress that possessed as much versatility ,ability ,talent and appeal as Ms.Theron and that I haven't any ability myself to express how captivatingly beautiful she was, is and continues to become more mesmerizingly gorgeous every day[05

Tony Tony

wow you guys have everything I freaking love it ❤️❤️🔥🔥👽🫶🏿🙏🏿⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Tony Foster

in all actuality if there was a secret list of so call names,celebrities would be on it for sure!

Arthur Acuna

I love this movie, and I've always been a fan of Charlize Theron. She's a great actress, a true chameleon of acting. An absolute must watch!

Tony Tony

a brilliant mind made that one two beautiful women 😎🎉🎉🎉🧠

Rich Duenas

Charlene Theron is a beautiful woman and the wardrobe she is dressed in this movie, very nice 🤌🤌

D Underwood

what a great movie

Tony Foster

the hardest part for any female agent to play seems so easy

Last Minute Heroics

great soundtrack


This movie was absolutely Incredible, Charlie Thursday.I'm playing a great role in this top of the line action.Lots of blood and gore.I definitely give it a

Tony Foster

combat skills in this film are on the $

Pablo Puentes

great fucken movie hands down action after action

Bell Stacks

I'm a little confused halfway through the movie I really don't fully understand what all the fuck is going on...still I like the movie

Derek Smith

crazy good action pack movie

Rich Duenas

lol David Hasslehoff is like a Sting,or a Mick jagger in Germany here in the states he is the "Baywatch"guy or "Nightrider"

Tony Foster

a good sometimes fictional account of deception agents of unfortunate dealings in matters that keep the world in balance

Jon Doe

I love me some Charlize Theron