Attack on Titan - 2015
100 decades ago, titans appeared on Earth. So on, human civilization veered on meltdown due to this titans. Humans afterward built a giant wall to defend themselves. 100 decades after, the giant wall has been broken, but although Over the first walls, humans lived in peace.

Darren Brooks

this is a dumbass movie who stares at something that's about to kill you if you going to run or you going to fight you don't stare at it and look at it,, and scream LOL


Sasha stuffing her face with those mashed potatoes were oddly satisfying guilty pleasure in some way I'm not quite sure LOL but damn

Rene Perez

dude the subtitles aren't even that fast if your a true fan of the anime just kick back and enjoy

Reaper Goreman

doesn't this remind us of the Bible,Book of Enoch and Mythology were they talk about the giants đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ“ąomg

Tresia Jones

I love the attack on titans I love movies. I love them all and I mean that

Yn Ben Isra-El

the mountains we see today are fossilized Giant Bodies. Look it up.

German Allison

⭐⭐⭐🍿 A Good Watch- If Unable To keep Up With The Reading Of Subtitle's... Then Simply Push Pause So You Can!! #đŸ€”

Yn Ben Isra-El

so, the Most High God then sent a great flood to Clense the Earth of the scourge that is the Titan/Nephilim....

Luke D

I heard this is the movie where someone says, gentlemen, gentlemen lets act civil and make a deal, you surrender and y9u don't die* how will y9u kill us* I. ant but my buddy can, say hi buddy


I wish they had the English version too

CJ Manley

Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaa Erin Turned. I can't wait to show my sons this. I loved it

christopher Salley

I loved it I used to was this every Saturday night with my daughter I like this version better so I can't wait to see more episodes

Mark Herden

omg this movie had me so pumped. been a fan of AOT forever.

ViolentX Gemini

didn't like the story ...had to fast-forward after ol dude started feeding mikasa the apple. erens titan was coo...

Donetta Alexander



Great special affects and Great storyline

Typical Reese

sorry what I meant to say is the anime is way better

Typical Reese

it's hard to understand what they're saying and how are we supposed to read if we can't read that fast

Shawn Brown

why didn't they run in the first place like WOW

Yn Ben Isra-El

This was REAL.... First Book of Enoch....