Avatar - 2009
From the 22nd century, there is a Marine dispatched to the moon Pandora on a exceptional mission, however becomes protecting an alien civilization and torn between following orders.

Tia Brown

movie of this like this is so amazing and it's inspiring me like if you can make another movie I will probably actually work harder instead of just being bored all the time like I will watch it all your movies every single time and I won't even be bored like that's how freaking g

Christopher Powell

at first I was mad because it took the name of my favorite cartoon. But now after watching it. it's become my favorite movie. win win. I hope ,2 is as good

Cherokee Claybaugh

this movie is so assome i can't waite For Avater 2

Ton Lov

please 🙏 make a Avater 2 P.S I will like for you to bring the Sargent back 4 a beat down number 2 P.S I will like to do it my self the avater can do it for me beautiful planet I wish that we can one day see a planet lik3 th


my favorite movie of all time! scenes I've never watched and I've watched the movie so many times

Audrey Gillespie

I love this movie, I watched it around the time I came out, I can't remember that age, but I am 15 now 2024, gonna to be 16 in a few months, so someone else doing math please, cuz I'm terrible at it, this was my absolute favorite movie when I was younger, and still is.

Shawn Humphreys

Ok...we talk about there might be other worlds out there...I could only imagine if this world really existed somewhere out there. In another universe. And if these floating mountains really did exist. I'll bet that would be a site to see. And the animals, WOW...6 legged horse

Shawn Humphreys

I really like this movie. But these cold hearted people that don't care about anything but money and what they can profit and put in their pockets. That's just wrong.


I have a to the creator please stop forcing me to share please stop it it's so annoying that's why I uninstall it the first time

Abdoul Aziz Diallo

this is crazy, this movie, you got to be 1000 better than this. They must make like a a trillion more movies of that in the future and, like 2024, that's a good one, like it's gonna love, LA LA, this is gonna be the bad, but the best, best, best, best, best the best, the best, th

Tammy DeBoard

How come at 37:10 when Jake jumped off the cliff that it looked bigger on the top? And after he jumped it doesn't look as big. Big difference.


it is good I like a lot[0

Meredith Burbo

0oooWeeee!! The way of the waters Avatar 2 is going to be the #1 movie of ALL movie's in our #history #AvatarkickAss can't wait to see The ways of the water's OoooWeee

unique livingston

this movie is cool I can't wait until 2


I don't understand what is going on but everytime I pick a movie it's telling me to check my clock because it's not showing the right time. so I check my time and it's running on the right time. so this app is bullshit

Tammy DeBoard

At 28:50 how can the pilot breath without a mask on? The doors are open and the other guy has on a mask but not her. Hmm.

Dan Whitworth

this is the shittest app,I have ever seen.you can't watch 5minutes of program,fur the fucking ads.