AVP: Alien vs. Predator - 2004
They send a research team outside to explore when scientists find something in the Arctic that appears to be a Pyramid that is disguised. Little do they know they have been about to step to a hunting ground where Aliens are grown as sport to the Predator race.
Alexis king
this is an amazing movie but I don't like how they have it go from english to russian and back to english and gets really annoying
More than 75% done with the movie n at least for me it's been in english the ENTIRE movie. so confused why everyone else is complaining about it being in Russian or Spanish..either way it's definitely worth watching if you're into predator series
Brian McBride
Bishop was a robot invented to resemble Mr Wayland. However, I don't think all the robots built by Wayland industries, were built in his image, but Bishop was definitely built to look like him. if that makes any sense 2 ya.
awesome movie especially with human and predator teaming up together they understand each other!
Marcia Shown
I love all these movies but with all these experts, I just don't get why the conversation about boobie traps never was discussed between them since they knew they were looking at some highly advanced shit! It really makes humans look like dumbasses....just saying
lmao theres sum dumb mfkrs here put the subtitles en engles or delete the damn app nd find one to ur satisfaction now im an American texas breed but i also speak spanish so if i can do it y cant u nd get paid better just cus we in u.s dnt mean u cant learn 1 nd its italiano
Robert Saunders
right it works go to subtitles the subtitles come up in English but f*** that I want to watch the movie in English but yeah you are right
when it comes to this, this app IS SHUT,I ie.........." ALIEN vs PREDATOR "
Jerry Workman
I'd like to know why you dumb a** is chose to put one movie out of a series of 6 or 7 in some other language other than English and there's no way to watch an English version of it how stupid are you people
Ann Willard
how many Mr. Waylands are there? It's interesting that Bishop is playing the part of Mr. Wayland.
Jerry Workman
We speak f****** English in America not whatever g** d*** language this is pull your head out of your a** and put one in English so American citizens that speak English can watch it this is
How'd the Predators capture that Queen,or did they grow it in a lab.
I'd love to see a prequel that shows those whom gave their lives so that the HUNT MAY BEGIN .
Kuwali Stonemartin
how df he got a chest burster at the end cant get over it like how i hate em shits so sneaky its fuckin terrifying not a way i wanna go out fuc that shit
Jason Norman
this is the second movie this week I've wanted to watch that's not in English. I'm not paying for an app that doesn't show me American movies in English.
how do you change a movies language back to ENGLISH FROM A FOREIGN LANGUAGE
Mike Lugo
carlos guerra
this is prob the best alien or predator movie ever made π― they should reboot even tho it's not that old it would make a great 2026 movie
Adrian Crocker
ππI remember when I used to play as alien and attack my sisters..now they all grown up..God I miss the old days
Francisco Garcia
it's not in English
great movie. I never understood why they never showed how she got off the spot, and didn't bring her back in the next part.
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