Azrael - 2024
In a world where no one speaks, a devout female hunts down a young woman who has escaped her imprisonment. Recaptured by its ruthless leaders, Azrael is due to be sacrificed to pacify an ancient evil deep within the surrounding wilderness.


this is a movie for demons by demons in the end Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior will send them all to burn our salvation is to Jesus Christ and Satan and all his legion will fall and burn for eternity they will not exist anymore beware for he will trick believing his lies

Randy Lennox

movies a trip, but I'm not preaching to each it's own, remember peeps just a movie ,you can have faith and watch movies that are scary or scare you! but I believe if you are a person of God ? stop judging!! worry bout yourself!! damn man,,lol just saying

Julia Shaffer

I'm not sure how I feel about this movie.... I definitely liked the ending. I have ALWAYS liked movies where the bad guys win. But in this movie if you consider its "after" the rapture, then that Technically means everyone is bad. This was hard to sit through,

Justin Case

every person who is religious wants to go in these comments and use it as their platform to push their religious beliefs and agendas on everyone. IT'S JUST A MOVIE!! And I'd like to enjoy it without everyone trying to preach a damn sermon or convert someone.

Marcia Shown

it's just a fucking movie! God isn't going to reveal his plan in a movie like this. if you are looking for spiritual awakening and guidance, read the Bible 🤣😂

Linda Jordan

Well this movie couldn't be further from what is coming, and the walking dead hahaha definitely not demons. Demons are Giants that take many forms and totaly don't wobble around like the walking dead.

Tara White (Nurse Terra)

I've been waiting for this film...with patience. The only thing that makes me happy anymore are Horror films. Yes, because of my family my life sucks. Maybe I'll go join a crazed cult. Anyway this is an awesome film.

Earl Jones

I don't know what to make of this one either you'll just have to go for it if you into silent movies this will blow your mind

The Grinch

Always like Samara Weaving! Not my favorite movie she's in but it's worth a watch I think!


That absolutely looks like some God fearing prophecy coming. Would you want to be here for the coming of an antichrist. Not me! It's a good scare flick .

Thomas Fox

well if it's about more of the devils lies I don't need to see it.and those in here talking blasphemy I can only imagine the hell your already living not to mention what's waiting for you

Daviante Jemuel Granger

wtf was that shit 💀 I waisted my time watching this one guy talked through the whole movie all the others couldn't because they had no voice because it was cut from them and well the movie was pooooopeeeeeeee💩


idk first horror movie I've seen without talking through it but really strange movie I give it a 6 just for the action


There are so many commenter's that I'd never drink the kool-aid they'd offer ... absolut religious wack jobs 💯

Berislav Midzan

May we all have a wisdom not to fear shadows at night and courage when the day of danger truly dawns. BOSNIA

Nunya Business

I reject this in the name of Jesus.


I didn't understand why they had to be silent and have their voice box cut out ,I watched it from the beginning maybe I should watch the beginning again


this was one fucked up movie....and I loved it!!!!

Tomas Grigley

wow! this was some straight up satanic shit in the end. this movie for the demonic.

Rachel Mire

I like the fact that most people (myself included), can watch a movie for its intended purpose, as entertainment. Lately, this app has become flooded with judgemental, "part time Christians" that should leave the preaching to the "professionals".