Barbed Wire Dolls - 1976
Maria da Guerra is sentenced to prison for a lifetime after murdering her. The wardress is actually a malevolent lesbian without mercy or humanity. Upon her birth Maria is taken to a special section for prisoners where rape and torture are part of the daily reality. That the Regional Governor arrives, claiming to have received a letter describing events that are incredible in the prison one afternoon. The writer of this letter was unaware that the Governor is likewise a portion of this conspiracy. Carlos Costa, a nurse faking to function as prison physician Moore, falls in love. After seducing himMaria kills him with a pair of scissors and flows together with her friends Bertha and the distressed Rosario, expecting to locate safety within the Governor's house, unaware he won't help them...

Ada Hoops

I wish I could give it a Thumbs down. Basically a soft core porn horror movie.

Dave Jackson

Twenty three minutes in & loving it😍😃🍌 lol

Gee Rollin

Wow.. I felt like I watching ON T.V. back in the 70s when my parents were sleeping



Terrance Ferrell

This is the craziest movie I have seen

Michael Sullivan

Regarding dissertation in "more info" ..., What?!

Frank Ellis

have have you can use

King Diamond

It's soft core horror porn..... I loved it.

Danny Brown

is this Pornhub? 😵........

Champagne Zoe

this movie shit! ft smh

Derick Denton

🤔🤨🤮 sorry

Mike arroyo


Ronald Dennis
