Batman: Hush - 2019
A mysterious new villain known as Hush utilizes a bunch of villains to destroy Batman career in addition to Bruce Wayne's personal life, which has been complicated with a connection with Selina Kyle/Catwoman.
Bob Williams
if I were batman I would make a gun that shoots something that can put people to sleep
Earl Carter
Joker is so fucking funny when batman fights clayface
Jeremiah Snell
this was awesome, with all his enemies in one movie being manipulated, and finally some real romance, awesome
Elijah Adegbayi
wow seeing Catwoman delivering a big boot to the face of poison ivy was awesome, and hilarious. 😂😂😂
Nathaniel Garrett
,z29 z need98 keu(o25izzaz, no
Robert Comaduran
this top three in my favorite dc animated movies.
Richard Saberon
wtf?! Hush was not the Riddler in the comics , a very unnecessary change.
Nickie Aunspaugh
Green lantern
Wiliondja Ilunga
wenyewe no O1 weka byenye Isbell. Iraq v1 Uwharrie jam urea 615-648-6120 je suet he'd ya v beverages beverages j if v
Frederick Stewart
l love Batman's animated, series
Matthew lint
Sarah sarxn matt
Donte Pickett
I swear the batman era is just vigilantism and lust
troy Graham
Batman is Antiquated character and very limited at this point
Jerome Belle
nocked is stupid
Timothy Dan
hush was very good and need more of them
Jerome Belle
Brendon Dickson
🦇 man for ever
Bob Williams
Alfred is funny
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