Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - 2016
While the entire world and what type of protagonist wrestle it needs fearing the activities of a god like Super Hero Gotham City's own formidable, forceful vigilante assumes on the most prestigious savior of Metropolis. And with Superman and Batman at war with one another, there appears quickly a hazard, putting humanity in greater danger than it's ever understood previously.

Chris Triana

the movie was not good but also not bad I think they could had done way better the fight was good but the story was not they should had went all out and made this the best movie ever I hope they make a reboot and make it right

Maria Reese

It's a matter of fact super bad.I hate you back to my phone.It's theaters, Superman was alive.That's real.I don't that don't act stupid.Bad bad period style.If parents die and look at each other alive stupid's lunk.Yeah, I'm sitting one more superhero.When we order joe I saw we a

Robert Bennett

i like zack Snyder movies..Sure there are things you can pick at in this..But there are good moments in this movie...And like the critical drinker..i like to see what Snyder could do with a full batman film.

Deidre Brown

wonder woman be kicking ass better than Batman and Superman. that's my bitch.


this is why you can't be a hero Superman stopped them from destroying Earth and everyone crying about if he never came here number 1 he was a baby 2 he saved everyone so let the world burn and if they can't save it them selves then it's time to let it end

Steven Powell

The movie was eh. Batman cries and throws a childish because his employees died because Superman was protecting the people the best he could. And no one notices Clark Kent with glasses off. Stupid.

Shaun MacReady

I don't think people quite understand superman and batman they were manipulated for 2 years to fight each other hate eachother and the became a team. Clark Kent glasses are also a disguise we see him like that but poeple don't. People who rated this poorly are not smart enough

Maria Reese

Decay, what a f***** d*** b**** f*** y**My blow I will shut the hell up.Why would you say that it looked like?My wife's name is Tanisha b****I'm a f****** good to say that.Never f****** Dick.Oh b****, I'll give you black or white n*****I'll f*** y**I'll fuck cool at this shit foo

Maria Reese

My name is Sabiya Kaka say something. Is Ellen my baby Skyler? That's really stupid b****** F*** y** n*****, Dick holes. They call you suck. Boss, you b******* Dick a** pill popper. This movie f**** a lot Batman. Didn't f****** die n***** Super bad dialyship bitch fuck you bitch

Maria Reese

You're dumb stupid little n***** D*** n***** nigger n*****, big ugly f*** I will do. They gotta give a f*** about your family f****** Don't b**** bitch d******* Johnson is a pain nigwell. We'll be like a b**** be like one. At least I still got a butter f****** life.You're a fuck

Maria Reese

Sorry, but my old butt hole, but what about cousins and my and all my other cousins are scarlet? They do too watch. Oh thanks date date I don't. Somebody don't be bad because of you. Cause you're gonna let me see a bad word that I don't believe me. That's me what's crying.

Maria Reese

You're a b**** laugh at me.You're a dumb a** n*****F*** y** n*****, b****, s***, you're no Dick.F*** my Dick all the time you decay.Motherfucking evil bitch fuck you nigger fuck fuck fuck you stupid bitch fuck that movie nigger i'm not fucking watching this or yeah

Tracey Kestle

I don't care what anyone says I really enjoyed this film

Tammy DeBoard

Good movie. My state's name even made it in Batman V Superman. The Bluegrass St Kentucky. UK Wildcats

charles tyson

I love this movie and the Zack Snyder Justice League both movies are and master piece

Schneider Valentin

this movie is s*** that's the worst movie ever you don't need to come that way better I mean I still have Superman and Batman and the others make a game about it come on make a reboot about this movie take the comeback better make it all better just make it better this might be t


dang Bruce u paid for the funeral service but he got a shitty tombstone a a shitty casket come on now this is SUPERMAN 🤷🏽‍♂️

Frank Forester

I can't believe that they would actually kill off super man I never knew that there was a episode where superman dies

Batman Rivera

it was a stupid movie the best Batman is with Michael kitten

Jon Doe

they could have gotten a better lois lane I don't like the way she thinks just because she is porking superman she can go anywhere and get an interview with anyone she wants pshhhh