Beatles: How the Beatles Changed the World - 2017
How did an unknown band from Liverpool go on to become one of the most influential musical groups of all time? An examination of the icons.
Princess Angel
I wish that the movie industry would do a remake of the 1980's TV movie "John And Yoko: A Love Story"; and release it in the movie theaters everywhere. What do you think?
Rich Duenas
I never got how the Beatles were considered to be rock and roll, when I think of rock and roll I think of Elvis,chuck berry, The Stones, Little Richard ect ect
Rich Duenas
I bet being in your late teens and all of your 20's to be living in the 70's that whole decade was pretty groovy I bet , the world changed in the 80's
Rich Duenas
the Beatles were great but I'd prefer The Rolling Stones tbh
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