Beowulf - 2007
6th century Native warrior, Beowulf embarks on a mission to slay a man like ogre, Grendel.
iwas legend
this is one of the best animated movies ever, this is the 10th time watching... LUV it.
Cynthia Michalke
at first I thought it was a real movie. I didn't know that it was an animated movie
Kimberly Mahan
I love this movie saw it the first time 14yrs ago. I thought it was real, till I actually read the DVD box and watched it again. I have watched who knows how many times. I tell everyone about rhis movie
I read the first story, but I never read the rest. This movie told me the rest. Ty!
you dumb broad that's not how you spell "immensely". numb nutts
worst movie everrrrrrrrr 👎🏼👎🏼
one of my favorite anime
Cynthia Michalke
awesome movie. enjoyed it emensley.
Jed Parker
looks like lara croft but gold
Cynthia Michalke
it was an awesome movie
Scot “scotty” Charron
this movie rocks
good movie
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