Birth of the Dragon - 2017
Set against the backdrop of San Francisco's China Town, this crosscultural biopic chronicles Bruce Lee's emergence as a superstar.

Black “Twicks” Crimson

That white dude is so selfish, only cares about what he wants, he doesn't care about her freedom; selfish POS only wants to wet his dick. If she gets her freedom, tells him that she's going back home overseas to be with her family; he'll probably snap in anger.

Isis Sabra

the movie was visually stunning but many untruths. one of the lies were wong jack man inspired Bruce to think more liberated. no, no, no.

David Martin

Perfect and Awesome I Acknowledge Bruce lee film with Honor and five stars my name is David Martin

Donna Rice

I like this movie but what's Bruce Lee that arrogant in real life


wwoooaaadaah fuck?


9 out 10

David Martin
