Bitch - 2017
The provocative tale of a lady who snaps under life pressures that are crushing and supposes the psyche of a dog. Her husband is forced to become reacquainted with sister-in-law and his four children as they attempt to keep the family together during this crisis that was bizarre.


A woman scorned is a woman broken. She can and will be saved. A woman is a woman until she walks a certain way or acts a certain way. Then she becomes a Bitch. Then you realize she is THE bitch! Stop taking your partner for granted people. Do better and BE better The end.

Tracy Morrison

You would not understand this movie unless you have felt the pressure of stress. The feeling of having to take care of everything and everyone, but never getting a break. Then having to pretend you are fine when your husband is cheating. It caused her to be manic depressive.


Pretty good and intriguing movyeah.She got so stressed out by just her life in general that she couldn't handle it and went cuckoo.For Cocoa puffs pretty good film.To watch I definitely gave it a

Lizzy W

maybe one of the worst movies I've ever watched and I didn't even understand the ending but maybe that is just my opinion

Beverly Dominguez

wow intense movie every couple should see this DONT EVER TAKE FOR GRANTED YOUR PARTNER !!

Cup Cakes

that movie was crazy but it was pretty awesome movie ❤️

Pete The Meat

A very intense movie that has an important message that you must take care of your partner always. The story could have been extended further.


her husband is horrible to her... I'm actually about to cry

Elizabeth Boyd

wow really... I expected more after all she played a dog the whole time. And not even a word at the end!


I feel so bad for the woman in this movie


it was woman who got us in the mess were all in now that started it all....


This movie is good but just a little crazy 😧 but I love it so much 😍

Jeff Johnson

I thought she was gonna get put out the dog park for trying to mate

Scot “scotty” Charron

is the bitch gonna hang herself, yeah I know she is

Scot “scotty” Charron


Jacob Frazier

stupid movie