Black Girl Missing - 2023
It tells the story of of a mother named Cheryl whose daughter is nowhere to be found. Authorities and media dismiss her as a runaway while focusing on another missing girl, who is white.

Oram Acklin

this movie here is good but it show that as black ppl we never get the help we need but let a white person goes missing they have all media and platforms to speak on them but not us love to do more


This movie pissed me off...Damn do we have to do everything. It's sad that it had to come down to her finding her own child. This could have turned out Bad frfr

Nas Locke

at 1st I didn't like the title because she was a girl missing. Later, it was of great relevance. Black is always ignored and not a priority. Glad Lauren was found! All people are human

Pablo Escobar

great movie to educate your child on the danger safety and awareness of truth and difference in something such as skin color (Race) determines the value of your life in the eye of political power. "Mainstream" (media..brainwashing mechanism)

Wanda Bunch Stewart

this was a really good movie it is inspired by black and brown people I loved it it made me cry

Vic Henry

lifetime required the disclaimer at the start, as if we don't know this is a fictional drama. Disclaimers in movies are no longer required. Except here. All fiction is based on factual sentiment. Racist Lifetime trying to tell us this kind of thing depicted in this movie, doesn't


this is a good movie I'm native American girl and I have a daughter and 2 sons and we are treated the same way we don't meet the standards of white girls missing this was so amazing and that mother and sister were amazing we need so much more awareness for people like us jus sayn

Love Queenie

this was a really good movie the mother should have sued the police department for negligence. They did not take her daughters case as serious as the little white girl who actually didn't run away and wasn't kidnapped or being held against her will which is very disturbing.

Naimah Claiborne

this movie is so good and very true. they don't care about us never have never will. that's why we as 🖤 definitely need to stick together all we have is US. love us forreal.

Lisa LovinMe Williams

yup that's what he said NO Cares about the black skin girl

Pamela Jackson

We need a storyline like this to how black people are looked over all the time

Marsha Abraham

This is a good movie and it makes you think and feel that we as African American should be more aware of our children's moods.


it shouldn't matter the color of a child skin. I'm a white lady and I would look for a black girl just as hard as I would a white girl. all their lives matter.

Jonathan Jones

This movie is so REAL! It's a disgrace how people of color are still screaming and fighting to be seen and heard! Phenomenal movie !❤️❤️❤️

Michele Lein

My grandma said,"Oh no! She can't be calling boys on the phone!."Well, it was one boy,one time,and my mom's like, "It's a good thing your father isn't here. He must be turning over in his grave.He would have been so strict with you. You would never get away with this,!"ONE boy!🙁

Michele Lein

My dad died when I was eight, and I still remember when she told me almost the exact same thing when I was 15 because she thought I was to"boy crazy" (this was in 1980, so different times totally) because she found out I had called a boy on the phone. My grandmother was aghast.

Markiesha johnson

black women are the most disrespected unprotected humans on Earth and we don't even get protected by our own black men smh.

Jolyne Webb

good movie y'all might not know that plays Laurens mother well she started on the funny comedy show the jamie Fox show

Darlene Dimeo

it's 2023 and still are sisters of color seem to get left behind women all ready have it hard it breaks my heart

Rico Max

One less 🐒 let's go mofo!!!