Blank - 2022
A desperate writer signs up for a fully A.I. operated retreat to cure her writer's block, but when an unforeseen software glitch occurs, she gets trapped inside her unit with an unstable android and no communication with the outside world.

Ms.Butterfly “LoSt SoUL” Turner

fuk you for making this shyt. at first I was going to turn it off then it got good then somewhere it got all fucked up then the ending idk wtf just happened but you sold me a dream then killed it all in one shot

John Toohey

whoever wrote this must have been desperate

Kaykay Ger

amg I would of gone crazy in this bitch

Deeper Mind

So the moral of the story is, if your robot won't do what you want it to, hit it in the head until it does.


I don't like the movie I got lost a long time ago

Kaykay Ger

this movie so funny I can't stop laughing

Moe Moe

it was ok. started slow got good them went left. I give it 3.out 5 🌟

Marcel Smith

Wayne Brady should have been in this more.

Ken Willcox

never get those hours back that sucked

Luis E

I was frustrated beyond belief with this film. So many frustrated scenes

Wolf Swagger

Was a Pretty good Film, I love the story and how it all tied together.

Richard Pendleton

Wayne Brady is in this .talk about



Fredrick Edwards

It iz what whack



Tina Hobgood

she never run out of smokes

Richard Pendleton

A.I...Artificially ineptitude

Richard Pendleton

This movie sucked big horse cock