Blink - 2018
The calmest seas are the most underneath. So could be a narrative of abuse and human brokeness, the case in Blink. Nailah Belle may be the epitome of beauty and durability. She is well known to be more devoted for union, community, and her classroom. Her husband Chris appears to be the perfect accessory to accompany everything reveals to be her way of life , however. Because this story unfolds, All isn't what it seems to be. In 1 Blink.
there's a old woman named Kat was like that, she liked to be beat up to feel loved so she would start fights with the guys she dated to feel loved, she's a person
Lawanda Pettis
For the person that called her a dumb ass smh it's called the battered woman syndrome ,😠seem like their the dumb ass dont ever think it cant be you
Pretty good movie, sad but true.
Kizzy Simmons
I've been getting some good reviews about this movie
Punchy Gilmer
She goes back! Even after he killed the baby. Dumbass!
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