Boston Strangler - 2023
Reporters Loretta McLaughlin and Jean Cole bravely pursue the story of the Boston Strangler at great personal risk, putting their own lives on the line in their quest to uncover the truth.

Annette Hulett

movie was great. woman have come a long way since then. we r still done wrong. like we don't get the same pay.for doing the same job

Janice Holt

why does the movie keeps stopping I got the premium subscription it still does it

Carrieann Stallcup

I woke up towards the end of it, so I have to rewatch the whole movie because my boyfriend doesn't really understand the ending.. It confused him, and some men were just getting rid of women that were a problem for them and using the Boston stranglers name, did that guys go jail

Richard Bartlett

why are you paying for it I get all these movies free

Ann Willard

now this is a movie. not over the top, keeps you interested and actually felt like we were in that time period. with the clicking of the heels, muted color. I really liked this movie! I would have said loved but that'd be weird since it was about a serial killer.

lemon wallace

i love this movie it had me suspense i love this app the quality is great and it has so many different category is unbelievable

Ronn Easley

great movie and the story was the prisoners plotted ...

Richard Bartlett

Fetch Fruit. com movies, TV all for free!


keeps stopping.. but luckily only a few movies do that every once in awhile .

Angel love

so basically they never caught the real killer


now days they take u jail for anything but these crazy mfs got away with it


Good Movie, Shame they didn't catch the Boston Strangler, he got away with all those murders, minus one....insane!!!

lemon wallace

well it started out to be a really good movie but what the hell the ending leaves not knowing what and who he sees

Miles Orrion

what's up with this cineyoolkit?? it won't work

Gerald Brown

it was a pretty good movie I liked it

Lili Da silva

this is horrible 13 commercials in 20 something minutes off movie wao just because is free camon!!!!¡!

Tony Knight

Great movie. I love true story mystery films.


I'm done with this shitty app, paying for it and getting nothing... Done

Valerie Zolotareva

wow...good to know.

Neal Roberts

her husband was right it was stupid of her job to print there pics