Brave Citizen - 2023
An expelled boxing champion, who now is a high-school teacher, witnesses intolerable violence and throws her first punch to build justice against it, while putting on a mask.


they even beat people on public streets and old women, they bully cops and just everyone. no law, no Nothing but the bullies laughing and never getting into trouble. so the writers are creeps and cowards and woman beaters who love promoting evil. I love south Korean film...


the writing is stupid, no one can video the bullies or his mom walking in school slapping teachers? it's too far fetched to be real so therefore the writing is strictly one way to glorify beating women and bullying. I couldn't get past the 3rd episode it's so stupid.


I can't believe south Koreans support this series, brave citizen my ass!!!! this show glorified violence and bullying and violence against women, how did it ever get aired??? south Korean has real issues with bullying and violence against women. wow, speak🤨


she's also a way better fighter defeating him throughout the show just to get the hell beat out of her in the ring, the writers should have let her beat him to half dead. but no, again they beat the woman.


not entertaining at all, just every episode to make the bully a rock star and the victims pathetic losers. do Koreans really approve of this nonsense and support it ? wtf.


and kdrama, but this series really needs to be lifted, it's strictly trash. I can't believe not one actor didn't speak out about this. terrible.