Brightburn - 2019
Whatif your kid from another world crash-landed on the planet, but rather than being a hero to mankind, he proved to be something far more sinister?

Roman Rubio

I got 3 questions number One What kind of planet is he from number 2 Why a gun And number 3 they're f***** And that is all my answers And one more question is he the brother of Superman

Larry Conway.jr.

The the hell don't they make ah part 2 where the find the ship he crashed in in the barn, it's the only metal that cut him! make bullets or weapons out of that shit and killem in part 2! Geeeeezzz!

Rcat 601

why tf would anyone give a 12 year old a gun đź’€

Vato J

it's what if Superman was evil movie

Jami Loy

That little boy would be a perfect John Kramer (SAW / serial killer) if they ever make a movie about his childhood! I know I'd watch it!

Moyay Tyler

superman has a son? btw we neeeeeed a brightburn 2

iminlove yoogirll

it's not bad but I can't wait for the 2 one and I don't think he is evil is that's that they make him mad

Shawn Crook

seems like homelander from the boys as a kid


first time watching this. kid is on a whole nother level of badassery

Synetra Lazzar

This movie was not at all what I expected, and loved every minute because this was something new and different then your average superhero movie this is more like a movie about the villain, which I did not see coming and I thoroughly enjoyed that aspect!

flameingknight 63

bro... why are people in horror movies always SO dumb. For example, after seeing the bullets don't work on him, act like you were trying to shoot a deer and that your worried you hurt the kid. Maybe his dad would be spared đź’€

Steven Millay

hey guys when I watched this movie I almost got nightmares I couldn't sleep last night either

Domenic Watts

He just kept his costume on standby


a certain twisted evil version of super man the younger years


at first I thought when I saw a youtube short version of this I thought oh he was born with powers and was natural evil but no he gets possessed then becomes evil

Ed Hand

great movie! love movies like this or shows. the Boys is what reminds me of this, like homelander! but the evil alien instead of made in a lab like Vaught!

iminlove yoogirll

I can't believe that he did not even go down for a second when the plane hit him I think superman he would go for a while and he is just a kid

Dominic Hayworth

is no one talking about how his uncle is Jesse's friend from breaking bad

Ernest Morua

that's exactly what Amanda Whaler was talking about in Suicide squad where she says "what if the next Superman doesn't share are same values "

Iris Williams

Well I hope it's a part too cause I really really enjoying this movie