Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 1992
Blonde, bouncy Buffy is your typical high school cheerleader: her goal is to "marry Christian Slater and die," and nothing gets in her way when it's time to shop! But all that changes when a strange man informs her she's been chosen by fate to kill vampir

Brandi Armstrong

I loved this film for its campy nonsense, and I was impressed that, even though the premise was somewhat ridiculous to me, and the acting from some of the teens was over-the-top, the emotions felt very real and raw. Pike and Buffy were sweet together, and I loved Merrick's snark!


I knew some guy who jumped over the wall Benny and pike we're sitting on and him not knowing there was a drop as high as a telephone pole jumped it while getting chased by the cops . and this was a guy that was shot 3xs by a 357 and stabbed about 15xs on different occasions,


I Seen the series never knew they had a movie of it first time watching


I love this movie 🍿🍿🍿🍿


"what do you guys think about the ozone layer"???.... "yeah we definitely gotta get rid of that" 🀯🀯πŸ₯ΆπŸ₯΅

Jennifer Webster

the best movie of the 90

Rich Duenas

lol anyone notice Ben Affleck number 10 in the red jersey towards the end of the movie

Tammy Collor

please let us watch the buffy the vampire slayer I miss it' for the long time

Jon Doe

never knew that was Hilary Skank I mean Swank


I love Buffy she's cute

Cavis Allen

Kristy Swanson so fine

Candice Cole


Rich Duenas

"get outta my facial " LOL

Zayana Dawkins

but this my first time watching it

Sarah Vaughn

this movie is awesome


"Buffy the cock slayer" 😁

Sarah Vaughn

I love this movie