Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee - 2007
Beginning only after the bloody Sioux victory over General Custer at Little Big Horn, the narrative is told by two unique perspectives: Charles Eastman, a new, white-educated Sioux physician held up as living proof of the alleged victory of assimilation, also Sitting Bull the proud Lakota leader whose tribe won the American Indians' past significant victory at Little Big Horn.

yveslo lou

The white man is spreading rumors that sitting Bull is a coward and was wrapped in a blanket sitting in his teepee during the wars this is a lie this is what the Democrats do today they defamed the character that does not support them or is a threat does Donald Trump come to mind

Lyanne Anderson

the white man is cold handed and greedy.

Roxanne Lilly

all the natives wanted was peace:(

Javier Lara

Great Movie


Census is taken every decade. AND ALWAYS taken on the 40,50,60... not 1884