Butcher's Crossing - 2023
In the 1870s, a young Harvard dropout seeks his destiny out West by tying his fate to a team of buffalo hunters led by a man named Miller. Together, they embark on a harrowing journey risking life and sanity.


as a hunter, this was barbaric towards a beautiful animal in these times!!! I hunt, but never ever could have killed animals simply for hide, God didn't give em to us for that!!! what a waste!!!! let's me know we've come a long way since then, God Bless everyone n everything!!!


might want to rethink your statement, it's not our problem. look around you history repeats itself. greed and selfishness is all of our problems, that's why we are in this mess today. Was real dad what people did to me people. we did not ask for it or encourage it


really good movie.. didn't think I was going to like it but I did

Ariel Monroy

For the idiot who commented about the American Indians traded their land for beads and firewater first off using the term firewater is something a racist would repeat.Now so you believe that the Indians just gave away their land then Im sure you think the world is flat .[0

tommy tippytoes

They traded their land for beads and fire water you say? Sadly hear is another member of society who speaks out of ignorance instead of intelligence. Its sad when we have to dumb our children down to the atrocities of things that were done before we born... sad

Magby Magsby

its not our problem the indians traded most of there land for beads and fire water. just like I never owned slaves so f--k repreations

Charese Motley

They hunted all the buffalo to drive the Indians off that land....it's SAD the lengths they went through for greed and so-called prosperity....this film added to my history lesson....cause they never tell /told the real story in Social Studies

Angel Albizu

this is fkn sad.. bunch of fkn barbarians.. only people with no souls are capable of this.

Shannon McCoy

I'm glad this movie was made to shine light on this travesty. He killed all those Buffalo and came back and it was all worthless. meanwhile those Buffalo are dead. Part of the native American culture is dead. really sad.


white people is the evil of things

Theresa Cheatham

your an idiot and the Indians were murdered and everything they had was stolen by Europeans n as far as u not owning slaves u ancestors did be humble n sit down

Angel Albizu

they killed off the Buffalo to steal the land and migrate the real Indians.

Jakey Hammonds

why complain about this movie ? the last bootleg movie I watched look like it was made decades ago and it was this years movie. good quality for a 🥾 leg.

yveslo lou

these hunters killed many buffalos stripped their skin and left a body to rot it kept the Indians from hunting and surviving they're no longer many buffaloes they depleted the population


good movie.. just can't seem to get the words slotslights.net out of my mind for some damn reason..

Gary Sexton

People forget those are the kind of men who pioneered this country... But Nicholas Cage was always great at these kind of roles...


I would have killed Nick Cage's character

Gary Sexton

and why is it people are only interested in what happens here in America greater atrocities have happened elsewhere...

John Jay

to all those self righteous white people that call other races illegal aliens don't forget that you are too only Indians are the real Americans so when ever you feel like saying go back to your country set the example and do it first😡😡😡😡

Krissy ♡

He took too much, and eventually it was goning to get taken away. Such a shame they killed so much and wasted it 😞