Captain America: The Winter Soldier - 2014
After the cataclysmic events from New York with The Avengers, Steve Rogers, aka Captain America is living quietly in Washington, D.C. and trying to adjust to the world. However, if a S.H.I.E.L.D. colleague comes under attack, Steve becomes embroiled in a web of intrigue that threatens to put the world at risk. Joining forces with the Black Widow, Captain America fights to expose that the ever-widening conspiracy whilst fighting off professional assassins delivered to silence him. After the complete range of this plot is shown, Captain America and the Black Widow enlist the aid of a brand new ally, the Falcon. But they soon find themselves facing an enemy--that the Winter Soldier.

Jabaar Kimble

This is my favorite Captain America the Winter Soldier

T. Thomas

Favorite of the Marvel cannons. every relationship, friendship or love, should be till the end of the line

Michael Dealvarado

united states of america defending this country from exprt thieves , and defending the economy to keep it stable ordering the military and the president with the we the peoples agreement,i could be nick furyπŸ˜•πŸ™†πŸ˜

Tammy DeBoard

I love it. At 30:00 he at least has air-conditioning. That's funny.


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Glenn Carver-seabrook

I think the Captain America movies are the best individual Avenger movies.

The Grinch

They were trying to catch Nick Fury ride'n dirty... 🎡 Try'N catch me ride'N DIRTY🎡

Charles Lehner

it's always some tin pot desperate you think that by sacrificing the few many prosper this isn't talking this is Earth. Human rights matter

Jason Webb

Am I the only person sad about the last true Marvel movie has been made. Avengers ENDGAME, really made me feel that a chapter not only in the Marvel is over but me as a fan too. Now the only good thing about it now. We can watch them whenever we want too and don't have to wait.


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Ernest Morua

download a sound booster and I'll be damned if it didn't help out it made the sound so much louder very happy with it

Cristian Dominguez

ive watched it dis movie when it came it out and itz still good as the first time I watched it

Wyatt Lemon

this is a really good movie even if you watch it 10 times

Linda Woods

Captain America thinks he can fly, lol he is always jumping off stuff

Ben Duffy

this was a good one, but I didn't like how they made hydra like they were everywhere embedded in the Shield program. not likely. but kuddos

Charles Lehner

veterans know the reality the feelings are the same

Aaliyah Knowles

how I wishπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ I don't know what you think of the year old girl who is the year old girl who is the year old girl 4

Damien Willis

thank u entertainment people thank u ok bye now

Wyatt Lemon

I have seen this over and over over again

Glenn Carver-seabrook

Black Widow with the best mic drop ever.