Casper - 1995
Furious that her late father only willed her his gloomy-looking mansion rather than his millions is ready to burn the place to the floor when she discovers a map to a treasure. However, if she enters the rickety mansion to seek her claim, she's frightened away by a wicked wave of ghosts. Determined to have her hands on this hidden fortune, she hires afterlife therapist Dr. James Harvey to exorcise the ghosts from the home. Harvey and his daughter Kat move around in, and so on Kat matches Casper, the ghost of a young boy who's"the friendliest ghost you know." Although maybe not so friendly are Casper's uncles--Stretch, Fatso and Stinkie--who're determined to drive of"fleshies" a way.

Heaven Leigh

love this movie since no I was a little girl now at 33 still watching it

Steve Daney

seen this movie when I was younger and it's a good family movie

Cori Schneider

I too watched this movie when I was younger, I'm 40 now and when I had my own babies I played it for them too and now it's a family love movie that we watch many times a year every year.

Luis Cruz

I like the movie where Kat Mom


for a 90s movie this still has nice CGI just like Jurassic Park that came 2 years before it

Rafael Ayala

i wached this 100m times

Ruth Owusu Ansah

Share your feelings

Matthew lint

Bethany kiess matt

Justin Nazaire

does anybody able to help me find this movie call" my little vampire " I'll be greats full

Phoenix Midheaven

omg I'm 31 now and I love this movie when I was a little boy and I watch this movie to reminisce the happy memories

Karl White

"Hubba Hubba Owwwal🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺"-Fatso "Fatso,you Animal"-Stinkie After over 25 yrs of watching Caspar since i was a kid..this Quote is The most funniest going🐺

Dawn NLN

nice to be a kid once in a while

Phoenix Midheaven

yo when karagen fell off that cliff had dyin


the kid that played real life Casper was Devon Sawa from the movie "Final Destination " he was Alex,I thought it was him when I seen Casper come to life..


had no idea that the kid that played Casper at the end was the same guy (ALEX)that played the lead in final destination(the 1st one).

Royal Albino

WOW!!... This brings back so much memories... My first love Devon Sawa [0 The most gorgeous "CASPER" ever!

Katrina Holmes

I love this movie over and over again love Katrina

Luis Cruz

I like Casper in real life

Bryce Eckenroth

i remember thy came out with a video game Casper I think it was on the PS1 or something.