Celebrity Sex Tape - 2012
A group of faculty nerds post the tape and secretly listing a washed up star. After the publicity hastens the actress's career, every Blist star, reality show deny, and celebutante in Hollywood would like to celebrity in the people next"production"


are you kidding how dum amovie has too be this is stupidity all wrap up in grabge not funny guys it's not try to be funny because stupid is not funny it's sad if you love sex buy a blow up doll even the doll will deflated if you put it in front this dum ass movie

Julio R

this is like American pie 🥧 I

Julio R

I would hang out with you nerd ......... i was one in high/gangbanger.in.Lovehigh LBc you bitchs [


please u wear shorts like that, of course they are going to check it out..duh I didn't watch cuz not my kind of movie but it did start to play when I accidentally clicked it..looks very stupid but I don't like women..so to each his own I guess

Sir Creed

no one came here to look at this movie for funny guys they came here to look at the tits and the ass give me a break

Billy Stephens

I love this show very much ❤💕♥😍💖💙❤💕♥😍💖💙❤💕♥😍💖💙❤💕♥

Lisa Fields

now that's so funny stuff there I would hang out with you too 😆 hahaha

jada arnold

i i i so hard in the pants even if I a girl

Darren Newland

really good and I have been working on the phone with my phone like I said she would

Jeremiah “Mr.Jay” Allen

it didn't matter how much naked chicks was in this movie , it still somehow felt gay

Anna Kargbo


Dexter Williams

Install this app, Watch and download "Celebrity Sex Tape" at no cost. https://www.downloader.world/share/?para1=12215&para2=2&para4=231&para3=Celebrity_Sex_Tape

Meen Smith

they actually put these on here from charter cable if you don't remember these your childhood was shitty

Jason Kuss

Fourty-DAY days and nights with no big dick porn stars

Jason Kuss

American pie better,and do you think there weird geek cocco head trying to get sex on T.V. JASON KUSS Low budget moive


can someone please recommend me movies and shows containing rough sex on this app? thanks luvs

JeremyDavenport JeremyDavenport

JeremyDavenport 💪 Ass xxxxx.Hd

Black Magician

Oh- man. Andre Meadows. Black Nerd comedy channel on You Tube. Also saw him in a Sharknado movie too.😆