Change of Heart - 2016
Diane McCarthy (Leah Pipes) is a reality tv manufacturer because of the arrogant exboyfriend's show highlighting traveling destinations. Diane swerves off the street while driving her next mission and gets stuck because of storm approaches. Nearby, she sees the Forest Cove bed and break fast. Owner, Helen (Lindsay Wagner), offers Diane a complimentary room until her car is ready. Diane, desperate for refuge, accepts Helen's deal and matches Helen's handsome boy Andy (Rick Malambri). Inspired by its charm, Diane changes plans for its next incident to alternatively concentrate on Forest Cove. Helen is eager and expects the series brings in business. Andy, getting ready to sell the property, is contrary to it. Despite his objections, Diane bond while and Andy preparing for the series. However, it will get complicated if, Jared,'' Diane's ex and host of the series, arrives and throws a wrench into things.